lis 092014

It got me hungry when I saw the post, so I made a list of things to get at the grocery store to make it. Two hours later, I’m eating it and loving it! If you want to make your own, here’s a list of ingredients.

1lb ground beef
1 can diced tomatoes (for Rice-a-roni)
1 box Rice-a-roni Spanish Rice
1 can refried beans
2 cans Pilsbury crescent rolls (aka Puff Pastry Ready)
Butter (about 5 tablespoons is enough)
1 packet Taco Seasoning
1 bag shredded cheese

1 lb of ground beef, 1 box of Spanish rice (we use rice-a-roni, you’ll probably have leftovers of this), 1 can of beans and as much cheese as you want. Obviously you can adjust to your liking, but this is a good start.

crescent rolls – You can get doughs in tubes. I’ve seen them in Sainsburys. Crescent rolls are called croissants here. In Sainsburys, you find them on the butter aisle. Sainsburys stocks Sara Lee Croissant dough

Start with taco meat, refried beans, and spanish rice.

Layout a can of croissants.

Load up the taco meat.

And spanish rice.

And beans and cheese.

Cover with another layer of croissants.

Follow baking instructions for croissants.I think it was 350 for 15-20 minutes. Maybe 375. Whatever was on the crescent rolls

All finished.

  2 komentarze to “Taco Bread”

  1. Czesc,
    czy Pilsbury crescent rolls moze byc zastąpione przez ciasto francuskie ?

  2. Tak, dokladnie takiego ciasta uzylem, wyszlo super 🙂
    W UK ciasto francuskie mozna kupic gotowe w tubach, Puff Pastry sie nazywa i jest w marketach na polkach z maslem zwykle. Kurcze naszla mnie ochota, zrobie to jeszcze raz dzis 🙂

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